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J Hills / Joshua Hills

Joshua Hills

ca 1772 to 11-18-1844 Newburyport, MA

Housewright, joiner


Joshua Eliphalet HIlls

6-21-1807 to 1875 Newburyport and Lowell, MA

wood turner and pattern maker


Single complex molder with a Sleeper style wedge per GAWP5

J Hills / Joshua Hills


J Hills is a common name and identity of the craftsman would probably remain unidentified except that Joshua Hills is carved on the side of the known complex molding plane.  Also key to the investigation are the assumptions that Joshua was carved by a later generation and that both father "J Hills" and son "Joshua Hills" were woodworkers who would have used molding planes. US census records were first searched for the years 1800 through 1820. One Joshua was found in Cheshire, NH and one each was found in Newbury and Newburyport, MA.


Essex county deed records were then searched for J Hills through 1819 and through the1830's for Joshua Hills. Two Newburyport craftsman were found; Joshua Hills b ca 1772 (housewright, joiner) and his son Joshua Hills b 1807 (wood turner, pattern maker). Joshua b ca 1772 was the son of Joshua b 1744, a mariner. Period probate records and published Hills family genealogies were also searched. 


Joshua Hills' (ca 1772) parents were Joshua Hills and Mary Morss. Joshua m Lydia Knap on 5-13-1798. Children; Lydia K., Joshua E., Philip K., William.


Joshua Eliphalet Hills (1807) m Sarah George 1-25-1832. Children; Sarah, Mary, Ann Maria


Only one other craftsman, Joshua Hills Jr. in Newburyport, was a woodworker. He was a cooper b ca 1780 d 1850 but is unlikely to have used molding planes and so is not considered a candidate. Online genealogies were not particularly careful, and this ca 1780 Joshua was often confused with the ca 1772 Joshua, so care was taken to use only period records. Making this more complex, in addition to the two Joshua Hills Newburyport families, the 1807 Joshua Hills changed his name to Eliphalet (his middle name) in 1835.

1799 deed, Joshua HIlls house joiner, Newburyport.

1844 probate inventory excerpts for Joshua (ca 1772).

1875 (Joshua) Eliphalet Hills' death notice from Lowell records, listing him as a wood turner.

(The presentation of visually based elements (scale imprints, scale drawings, etc.) is a challenge, especially when moving from the printed page to the realm of an electronic medium. For reference, the original GAWP 5, CAWP, BARS and SOJ publications had pages which were 8-1/2" in width.)

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