New imprint I Bitner reported on a 32" jointer plane. Found in Berks Co., PA
​1st tier John Bitner 1790 - 1860, Berks Co., PA
2nd tier Jacob Bitner 1758 - 1848, York and Lancaster, PA
Photos and initial research provided by Dan Linski as reported in the Rhykenology Group on Facebook in 2023.
I Bitner / I B
I Bitner / I B
A new imprint with initials was reported on a ca. 1820 32" long jointer found in Berks Co., PA.

The 1st tier candidate, John (Johannes) Bitner was located by Dan through his research.
John (Johannes) Bitner b. 1790 - d. 1860, Berks Co. was reported as a house carpenter / carpenter in the 1850 census as well as in an 1816 deed also from Berks Co. His inventory from 1861 lists a Carpenter Shop. His sons Eli b. 1820 and Jonathan b. 1817 were also carpenters and Dan noted that Eli might be the E Bitner reported in GAWP5.
1816 deed. John Bitner, Berks Co., house carpenter

1850 census. John Bitner, Berks Co., carpenter

1861 inventory including a carpenter shop.

John Bitner 1860 headstone. Photo courtesy FindAGrave.

A second tier candidate, Jacob Bitner b. 1758 in York, PA and d. 1860 in Lancaster, PA was a carpenter as reported in a history of Lancaster as well as recorded as a carpenter in a 1807 Lancaster deed. Jacob is being considered as second tier as he's likely to be too early for the ca. 1820 jointer.
“Jacob Bitner, was a resident of York County, where he followed the carpenter’s trade, and afterwards located on North Queen Street, Lancaster. He lived to a ripe old age, being in his ninety-first year at the time of his death”
Source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
1807 deed. Jacob Bitner, carpenter, Lancaster Co.

32" long jointer.
photos provided by Dan Linski