John Sands
One Possible Candidate
John Sands
1803 Carpenter Company of Philadelphia
1800 Carpenter, tax list North Mulberry Ward
partnership Kinnard & Sands
b ca 1775 - 1771, d 1845​​
John Sands
ca b 1771/1773 - 1845 Northern Liberties, Philadelphia
Information from: Carpenters' Company Digital Archive & Museum
Managing Committee Minutes-1803-9-36 John Sands elected.
City Directory - 1805. 10, 14 - John, carpenter, Oak, Northern Liberties. ​1820, 24 - John, carpenter, 84 Oak below Coates
City Directory - 1835 - John Sands, carpenter, 350 N. Front.
City Records D.S.B. # 337; filed May 19, 1816; satisfied May 27, 1818 Anthony Kinnard and John Sands. Claim for $172.31 for carpenters work done to the premises of John Whiteman, inn-keeper, in 4th street between Callowhill and Vine streets, sign of the bird in hand tavern.
City Records D.S.B. book #338; filed July 8, 1817; no record of satisfaction Anthony Kinnard and John Sands trading as the firm of Kinnard and Sands, house carpenters of the Northern Liberties, vs. Solomon Wiatt. Claim for $125.96 against certain buildings and a house, stable, coach house and wagon house on a certain lot or piece of ground situate on the east side of St. John street near the Germantown road, for carpenter work.
City Records D.S.B. book #338; filed June 5, 1819; satisfaction date unclear Anthony Kinnard and John Sands trading under the firm of Kinnard and Sands vs. Benjamin Bond. Claim for $193.85 against a school house on the west side of Budd street near the Germantown road, for carpenters work.
City Records D.S.B. book #341; filed July 11, 1823; satisfied but not legible Anthony Kinnard and John Sands trading under the name of Kinnard & Sands vs. Wiliam Vanstavern. Claim for $242.86 against a new house situate in Second street above the Germantown road at the sign of the Cross Keys, for carpenters work done to the said building.
City Records D..S.B. book #342; filed April 25, 1825; satisfied December 1, 1826 Anthony Kinnard and John Sands trading under the firm of Kinnard & Sands vs. Ellener Cramer. Claim for $256.12 against a certain two story frame house and kitchen situate in St. John street 3 doors above Coats street in the Northern Liberties for carpenters work and materials furnished to said buildings.